Anyone can attend meetings at Reynolda library, and those who wish can receive an e-mail one week ahead of the meeting, describing the program.

However, in addition to that, dues paying members get 4 Journals per year, with articles submitted by other members, and can submit their own research on local topics to be published there.

These Journals include a calendar; a page of meeting dates and programs planned, so they can know up to a year ahead of time when something of special interest to them will be happening. They would also get notice of special events, and field trips that are open to members only, like the tour of MESDA that took place last May.

Members also get to take advantage of the FCGS’s membership in the NGS and NCGS, to get notice of their special events. Their newsletters are forwarded to our members (with e-mail) by our Corresponding Secretary.

Members can also meet new people and exercise their skills by working on projects with other members: explaining the Society to the public by manning our booth at the Celtic and Apple Festivals, volunteering in the NC Room at the Central Library to help budding genealogists who go there for research , working with or on the Society Board to keep the efforts of the group moving forward.

Committees, and projects currently underway: Forsyth County Cemetery Surveys to upload to, creating articles for the Journal, and Programs planning.